Counseling Services for Students

Counseling at Greenburgh Eleven

Greenburgh Eleven provides counseling according to each student's IEP related services.   This may be delivered in individual or group counseling.  Clinical staff also are available on an as needed basis if a student needs immediate assistance.  If a parent or teacher has a concern, they can contact either the clinician directly or the school principal. 


Counseling Services:

All students are assigned a grade-level counselor according to their homeroom. The counselor/psychologist works closely with the classroom staff to support student learning and behavioral challenges.  Counselors greet students each morning as they enter school/class for an informal check-in. Group and Individual counseling are provided to students per their IEP. Counseling topics are aligned with state standards based on grade-level social-emotional benchmarks. These include but are not limited to self-awareness, bully prevention, academic behaviors, social skills and career/college readiness.  Our small counselor-to-student ratio makes it possible for students to interact daily with their counselor. Counselors are easily accessible to both students and parents.  They frequently provide immediate support to students who may become dysregulated or require “crisis intervention”. 

Effective Communication

High school students learn the art of effective communication. From mastering the nuances of active listening to honing assertiveness skills, our students are equipped with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of interpersonal interactions both inside and outside the classroom. Through engaging in group counseling,  they cultivate confidence, empathy, and resilience, setting the stage for success in academics, relationships, and beyond.

Rather than punitive measures, we prioritize understanding, accountability, and healing. Through restorative circles, students and staff come together to address conflicts, repair harm, and build stronger, more empathetic communities. By fostering dialogue, empathy, and active listening, we cultivate a culture of respect and responsibility, empowering our students to resolve conflicts peacefully and forge meaningful connections.